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Ascorbic Acid - Vitamin C - L-Ascorbate, or L-Ascorbic Acid - C6H8O6 - granular - 2.2 lbs
Product Details
SKU: ASCORBIC-ACID-2LB UPC: 812841024103
Harmonized Code: 29362700
Net Weight (lb.): 2.2
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Shipped in an HDPE safety sealed container with resealable cap.
SYNONYMS: Vitamin C, L-Ascorbate, or L-Ascorbic Acid
MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 176.124120 g/mol
SOURCE: natural (like fruits and vegetables)
APPEARANCE: odorless, solid, granular (like table salt or sugar), white to extremely pale yellow (almost a light beige), a pleasant sharp acidic taste.
SOLUBILITY: in water
PROPERTIES: Anhydrous, strong reducing and antioxidant agent that functions in fighting bacterial infections, in detoxifying reactions, and in the formation of collagen in fibrous tissue, teeth, bones, connective tissue, skin, and capillaries. Vitamin C can not be produce or stored by humans and must be obtained through a diet. "Generally Regarded As Safe" (GRAS) by the FDA when used in accordance with good manufacturing practices.
SOAP MAKING: Used to make a harder bar os soap. Add approximately 1% Ascorbic Acid proportionally to the weight of the fats. Also used to adjust pH as well as an antioxidant to slow deterioration of the finished product caused by exposure to the air.
FOOD PREPARATIONS: Used as a food preservative, pH adjustment, or souring agent inapplications that are not heated as this natural Vitamin C is temperature sensitive. In baking it provides: increased product volume, better cell structure, finer and tenderer crumb, extended product shelf life, increased mold-free shelf life.
COSMETIC and PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS: Used to adjust pH as well as an antioxidant to slow deterioration of the finished product caused by exposure to the air.
INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: Photo production, water purification, fluorescence microscopy.
STORAGE: To maintain freshness and maximum shelf life store in container provided and protect from heat, air, moisture and light. Do not store in metal.